Lattingtown Road Locust Valley

Job Description

Installation of 52 fixtures in the front yard

Design Intent:
The client had issues with not feeling comfortable entering their driveway at night.  It was a dark and dreary feeling.  Many times guests visiting the home would not recognize the entrance as a driveway because it looked so uninviting.  We knew with the proper design we could completely transform that experience for both the owner and their guests.  The goal was to create a natural feel that would softly guide the driver to the main residence.  To accomplish this we accented trees on either side of the long winding driveway while installing downlights 30-50’ into the trees.  The downlights on this project are so impactful as they create dappling effects onto the gravel which bring a sense of life as the leaves dance in the breeze. 

As you approach the home we wanted the brick facade to take center stage so we accented the house with a warm white glow.  To create balance we highlighted mature oak trees on either side of the home and pine trees to the back left to create a sense of depth and create context. 

This project took 3.5 days to complete and due to the complexity of the tree lights/the length of the driveway it was roughly $23,000.

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